Greenwood Metro Featured for its Use of ITpipes for Manholes by I&I Magazine, Winter 2022 Edition.
Greenwood Metropolitan District was put in a tough spot. Formed in the 1940’s to provide sewer treatment to the area, in 1999, they were told they had to take over the 38 collection systems that fed into their conveyance. Some of which were extremely neglected and dilapidated and in excess of 100 years old. Knowing that “war is 90% information”, the team at Greenwood Metro rolled up their sleeves and got to work. Their goal: locate and assess all assets, including manholes. Some of which hadn’t been seen since the day they were installed.

Using a simple digital camera, crews would locate, GPS, and document the condition of the manhole. Then, back at the office, they would upload all info to ITpipes Web, using a configured template. With ITpipes consuming Esri maps, all location automatically tied to the asset.

In the end, all 8,700 manholes were inspected, with almost 40% of them receiving repairs. By using a simple digital camera and their existing ITpipes Web, Greenwood Metro was able to cost-effectively get a handle on the I&I from their “new” manholes.
Read more about it in Cleaner Magazine!
Read more about it in I&I Magazine!
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